This ancient Japanese method of healing uses energy to balance the body and mind. It is often used as a complimentary therapy in a number of hospitals today.
One of the greatest healing benefits of Reiki is stress reduction and relaxation which triggers the body’s natural healing abilities. Regular Reiki treatments can bring about a calmer and more peaceful state of being, in which a person is better able to cope with everyday stress.
This mental balance also enhances learning memory and mental clarity.
The body appears to be a solid mass of cells and tissue, which it is! What we cannot see with our ordinary vision is what is called the energy body. The energy body is composed of what is known as chakras and nadi.
These energetic structures feed the living whole with the life giving force known as prana or chi. In yogic traditions for example, this energy body is well known and documented.
Illness can occur when the energy that feeds us is blocked, congested or flowing inadequately. In optimum health the chakras are open and balanced in their activity. The many nadi, which are channels which carry this energy are free flowing. Our energetic body should be in a beautifully coloured and flowing state.
REIKI translates as universal life energy. A Reiki practitioner is attuned to this life giving force which enables him/her to be a channel for healing.
By the placing of hands on or near the body the therapist is able to transmit this energy to the client to improve their overall health and wellbeing. The person then utilises the increase in energy in whichever way the body needs using the body’s own innate intelligence for healing.
A Reiki treatment is very relaxing to receive. No clothing needs to be removed. The person is made comfortable on a treatment couch. Treatment can be ½ hour or full hour.
All illness, disease, stress anxiety and promotion of health is benefited by this wonderfully powerful but very gentle therapy.