Why Reflexology?
There are 200,000 nerve endings in the feet that feedback sensory information to the brain and nervous system. The feet are our connection to earth beneath us and are the basis or roots from which we stand, move and be.
Spending so much time in shoes the feet become a part of the body that we can easily lose “touch” with and they become forgotten, often hidden and neglected.
As well as a blood and nerve supply the feet along with the rest of the body, have a circulation of life- giving energy or chi, ki also known as prana. This energy circulates the body through channels called meridians. Reflexology can improve health by applying gentle stimulation to the feet relieving imbalances in the energy flow of the whole body. This is done by accessing the meridian points and the reflex areas that are mapped on each foot.
The meridian corresponding to the spleen and liver, for example, can be accessed at the front of the big toe. The stomach meridian is found at the 2nd toe, the gall bladder at the 4th toe and the urinary bladder meridian at he 5th toe. Applying gentle pressure to these areas can stimulate the energy flow to the corresponding organs and improve their function as well as to other structures of the body that lie along the meridian pathway.
The treatment is given in a systematic way so that every part of the body is accessed. The body works as a whole functioning unit and each of the body’s system is affected by another. The endocrine system plays a huge part in health. This system includes the pituitary, thyroid, sex glands, adrenals and pancreas. So many functions for optimum health are dependant on this system. By treating the body as a whole Reflexology gives a balanced holistic treatment that encourages the body’s own healing abilities.
Many ailments and problems can therefore be helped by Reflexology.
Pain anywhere in the body can be reduced by applying some pressure to the corresponding area in the foot.
Reflexology also benefits persons suffering from actual foot problems themselves. Hammertoes, pain and stiffness, oedema, bunions, chilblains and poor circulation can have amazing relief from this treatment.
Touch has a calming and relaxing effect mentally and the relaxing effect of Reflexology only adds to the efficacy of this simple but powerfully effective therapy.
Immunity has been proven to be hampered by stress levels and stress causes the exacerbation of all illness. Anxiety and depression are on the increase due to the demands of modern living. All these conditions are helped by this wonderful therapy.
Please give attention to your wellbeing before illness creeps in to your body. Reflexology is an amazing way to keep healthy, preventing the stress induced illnesses we suffer from and maintain a relaxed happy and more self- nurturing way of life.
Reflexology is a lovely gift for a loved one that is working too hard and not giving time to self -care. It can be a gesture of thanks or a caring reminder that someone is valued and cared for.
Reflexology works best as a course of treatments and a minimum of three consecutive treatments is advised to begin.