The word Reiki means universal life force. All things that live are permeated and exist only because of this universal life force or energy. In India they call it Prana, in China Chi, in Japan Ki. In the west we call it Cosmic Energy. It has many different names from various cultures. In health this energy is flowing unhindered. In health we are absorbing, utilising and thriving on the ever present abundance of this energy. It's in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat , the wonderfully life giving rays of the sun. It is all around us. We live in an energetic soup of cosmic rays.
This energy feeds and nourishes the physical and mental body, it holds us together as a cohesive force that enables it to function as a living unit.
Reiki as a therapy is a method of boosting our supply of this life giving force. The Reiki practitioner is attuned to be able to be a channel for this energy, to be able not only to absorb it but to pass it on to others, similarly as a radio is channeled to receive a certain frequency and to transmit it. By the placing on of hands the energy is transmitted from practitioner to client. It sounds simple and it truly is. The frequency of Reiki is loving, nurturing and gentle, it flows where there is a deficit. It fills where there is a gap. The client absorbs what is needed and uses the energy as the body's own healing intelligence sees fit.
In disease we have a situation where this life giving energy/ reiki/ prana, whichever name you prefer, is hampered and depleted. The disease may have several different causes but irrespective of this there is always a defect in energy flow in situations of ill health.
Negative thoughts, anxiety, depression, stress, all hamper and block our access to the life force. This can eventually manifest itself as an actual disease after a period of time if not addressed. The flow of the life energy throughout our being can be negatively affected by lifestyle, traumas, worry and many other things. Reiki therapy allows the body to have an opportunity to reconnect with the life force, to absorb and utilise it regaining its ability to heal. We have our own innate healing capacity and Reiki boosts and encourages our own healing potential.
Reiki is not a cure all for all things. It is not used instead of conventional healing methods but it is very useful to aid us in all aspects of health whether emotional, mental or physical. It has tremendous potential as a preventative therapy and is a powerful stress reducer. Stress of course being a great cause of dis-ease and exacerbates all ill health issues we may face.